How To Win Four In A Row Game Pigeon

Game Pigeon Plus! It’s wayyyyy overpriced. You have to pay $3 for custom skins, accessories, and ad free play? That’s a bit much considering the look of your props and avatar don’t matter to the game. And (most of the time) the ads don’t pop up in the middle of the game, they pop up when you’re waiting for the opponent. Figure 2: Yellow to play and win Figure 2 shows a very simple win for yellow. He can either play b1 or e1, creating either the threat to get 4 in a row with a1 or e1 or, in the case of e1, to get 4 in a row by playing b1 or f1. Red can obviously not stop both threats at once and loses.




City Gate
Inside the Ditch
the Boiler
the Prison
Outside the prison
Church Square
soldering works at the Bridge
back in Lowtown
under Church Square
City Wall
broken bridge
defusing the Bomb
in the Dome
under the Pub
on the Dome
machinarium mainpage
items list
Concept Art

For the people with no patience: connect 5 - perfect solution
So, we finally got into town. Here we'd like to listen to the band standing here of course. But these guys are missing their instruments or have other problems with what's already there. So it's one of our jobs to fix the band by getting them some instruments and repairing the other instruments. Well, enter the oilpub at first. It's hard to miss, as the neon advertisment is showing you where to go.
While you're here, just peep into the next room. Look at that. The three bad guys all together. But we can't do anything about them. At least not now.
So get the flycatcher that is hanging around here in front of the door to the next room and get out of the oilpub. There are enough flys flying above the stinky keg in front of the oilpub. Catch some of them with the flycatcher. Now get back into the pub and release the flys onto the barkeeper. He is so distracted now that you can drag out the oil barrel and he won't even notice. The barrel makes a good drum and the drummer is happy and the robot shakes his shiny metal booty.
So, let's face one of the meanest riddles in machinarium. Get back into the pub and challenge the sitting robot for a game of connect five. The rules are that you win if you have 5 of your parts in a row, no matter if straight or diagonal and you can move wherever you want (unlike connect four, where you have to insert from the top).
This old guy is a tough guy for this game but you can beat him. At first, don't let him get 4 in a row, so once he has 3 in a row place one of your tokens to block him. Then you build diamonds all over the playfield, always keep an eye on you opponent and his rows and sooner or later you'll have built a catch-22 for him like in the picture below here. Then it should be obvious what to do next...
If you don't get it with this explanation, you might want to try Lamkin's version [1]. Look at the picture below.
The X marks the spot, no, wait, wrong adventure, it marks your opponent's first move. So place your first token directly above his screw. After that follow the order of the numbers in the picture. This should work just fine.
In case you can't get enough of the connect 5 game you can play it online here. Just click on Spiel starten. This game is not about who is first to have 5 in a row but who has the most 5 in a rows.
Once the other robot lost, he is very pissed and beats up the table. The screws fly all through the pub. Collect all 5 of them. In case you are having trouble finding the 5 screws this picture of the location of the 5 screws might come in handy.
So pick up these 5 screws, get outside of the pub and give them to the saxophone player. This guy will be happy and play just for you.
Seems like the old lady doesn't like good music, as she throws a flowerpot after you and the music. Again. But this time there is even a small sunflower plant inside the flowerpot. Pick it up and then climb up the stairs, as there is nothing you can do here for the moment.

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Reader comments, opinions, alternate solutions and more:

1) Anne (mail hidden)
wrote on: 2012-03-04 22:26:38

Ein riesen Dankeschön an Lamkin für den Lösungsvorschlag!!!
Es hat super geklappt!
2) Rosslyn (mail hidden)
wrote on: 2012-05-28 01:22:27

I have a problem...the drummer used to have the oil can as his drum (which I did get from the bar), but something happened to it; maybe someone stole it from him? Is it gone for good? How can I get it back? Please help me figure this out, or else I can't get the radio thrown at me. Thanks!
3) ph0sph0R0us (mail hidden)
wrote on: 2012-05-30 11:17:33

if the old lady already threw the empty pot at you it shouldn't really matter if the drummer has his drum or not.
4) Sabrina (mail hidden)
wrote on: 2015-03-18 08:07:07

Hm, bei mir wir will sich der ROboter nicht übers Ohr hauen lassen. Variante 1 hatte bisher keinen Erfolg und Variante 2 verbaut er mir direkt immer ;)

Sabrina, welche Version, also auf welchem System spielt du denn?
Möglich, dass es bei einem Re-Release oder Port auf einem anderen System eine kleine Änderung gab.
Aber an sich musst du einfach nur immer weiter spielen, bei allen neueren Versionen (alle nach 2010) haben die Entwickler von Amanita Design den Roboter so eingestellt, dass er mit der Zeit schwächer spielt. Er schenkt dir aber trotzdem nichts, also musst du dich trotzdem noch anstrengen ;)

..:: © by selmiak 2009-2020 ::..
-= machinarium © 2009 by Amanita Design =-
How To Win Four In A Row Game Pigeon

With our multiplayer platform, you can play Four-in-a-Row for free with thousands of other users from four continents. Within the community, you will be able to write to other players and send them gifts. When the user achieves a certain level he can invite players to private games.

How To Win Four In A Row Game Pigeon Run

More competitive players will find a variety of tournaments with enticing prizes.

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Four in a row Game

Four-in-a-Row, also known as Connect Four, Captain’s Mistress, Four Up, Plot Four, Find Four, Four in a Line, Drop Four, is a two-player, connection-based game. Players first choose a color, minimal win length (4, 5, or 6), and points to win (1, 3, 5, or 8).

They then take turns dropping a disc of their color into a six-by-seven, vertically-suspended grid. They do this each turn until a victory can be achieved, or the board has reached a stalemate and must be reset. The goal of the game is to be the first to form a four-long line of checkers horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Four-in-a-Row is a game with “perfect information”. With over 4 trillion possible combinations of game pieces and board states, this game is perfect for teaching pattern-recognition from an early age.

Perhaps one of the main reason for the popularity of the game is its simplicity. While there are no complicated rules to follow, there are countless strategies which can be used to increase your chances of winning.

Once each player picks a color, usually red or yellow, one of them begins by placing a disc wherever on the upright seven-column and six-row grid, used for playing the game. When a player places a disc, the only way to stop it is by another disc.

The objective of the game is to connect four discs of one color in any of the three following ways:

  • Vertically
  • Horizontally
  • Diagonally

Connect 4 can be played in different variations. The number of pieces needed to connect in order to secure a win can vary. Some versions require a bigger grid, which allows the connection of five or even six pieces.

There is a possibility that not every game might end with a win for one of the players. If every cell of the grid gets filled and there are not any four discs connected, a draw is announced with no winners.

While easy at a first glance, there is a lot of depth in Connect Four. The game is easy to learn, hard to master. By that we mean that everyone can pick it up and win a decent amount of games. We have taken it a step further and have listed below some of the best strategies to increase your winning chances considerably.

  • Always try to play the center column – This way you are going to have a lot more places where you can secure a win.
  • Try to think a couple moves ahead – Being aware of future opportunities that might arise for you or your opponent is a crucial element of the game. Always be alert!
  • Place traps for your opponent – An incredibly important step! Do not try to focus only on your pieces, but try to make it difficult for your opponent to have easy moves available for him.
  • While you can win in many ways, utilizing different strategies, the most important thing is to not over complicate things and enjoy! No matter if you play with a kid or an adult, try to enjoy the experience and connect with them!

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How To Win Four In A Row Game Pigeons

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