Pigeons Manager » Welcome! |
The Pigeons Manager is an online game where you can sell/buy pigeons, manage your own loft during the breeding season and you can also compete online with opponents of all over the world. How it works Pigeons Manager is free. You can manage your own loft through and with your internet browser. There are weekly races and you can manage and check your status whenever you want to. You can follow your birds, train them, sell/buy or only chat and exchange some ideas with other pigeon fanciers. Pigeons Manager never comes to an end. If you win your league you will be promoted to an upper league. Are you ready for being famous on a national and an international level? Read Rules
STATS Week: 12 Last race: 14328 pigeons Forum posts last week: 4
NEWS Loft Value | As a result of the poll and after a long study, at 23h30m today (19/02/2015), the loft value will be calculated based on the total sum of the pigeons value.
| Passwords | Due to recent events we ask all users to change their passwords urgently.
| What is happening now:
New Game Pigeon Games
According to Pigeon Racing UK & Ireland, the start-up cost to get birds, a pigeon loft to settle them in and underway with club racing is about £300. Other ways to make money as a pigeon fancier While it’s all fun and games to dream about winning six-figure sums at pigeon racing competitions, the reality is that it will probably take years. The player must protect his fire, since it is the only thing that keeps him alive, by taking down his opponents, and reviving the flame with his wings. Killing the enemies will increase the player's energy and determination, and eventually allows him to use a fancy special attack!